Overview of Scenic Spots
Bancheng Shaoguo Wine Museum, opened on June 18, 2013, is the largest existing wine culture exhibition hall in Hebei Province, and has won honorary titles such as Chengde Gongye Tourism Demonstration Site, Chengde Tourism Shopping Recommendation Store, and National Youth Civilization

The building area of the museum is over 3500 square meters, divided into two floors. Collect and purchase over 800 exhibits of various types, and create 10 scenes. The decoration and exhibition style is simple and elegant, noble and exquisite, with a profound cultural heritage. It can be regarded as a model work of the Northern Liquor Culture Museum. The museum has set up five small courtyards with the theme of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, distributed among the various courtyards of the museum.

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  • Tourist Information
    1. Opening time of the Sightseeing Industrial Park: AM 8:30- 11:30 PM 2:00-4:30 2. No open flames in the Sightseeing Industrial Park, flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods are strictly prohibited. 3. Please pay attention to the safety warning and observe the tour order. Do not climb or climb over the safety fence. Do not enter the unopened area go sightseeing; Do not jostle; Be careful when you go up and down the steps. 4. Please pay attention to personal and property safety, take good care of your personal belongings, and take good care of the elderly and children. In case of special circumstances, please follow the tour-guide or staff's instructions. 5. Welcome your comments and suggestions for the Sightseeing Industrial Park.Tourist Info:0314-3118028 Tourist Compliant:0314-3118128 Tourist SOS:0314-3118006
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